Green island in bird's eye view with sea bordered


Knowledge Hub

The ESTAINIUM KNOWLEDGE HUB marks the beginning of an innovative tool collection that will continuously expand. The first tool in this hub is the Specs Graph – a powerful solution for visualizing and connecting PCF (Product Carbon Footprint) and life cycle assessment specifications.



What is this?

The ESTAINIUM Standards Graph gives an overview of standards and norms, including product category rules and sectoral guidances for product carbon footprint calculation and life cycle assessment in general.
Every blob ("node") represents a single document and the lines ("edges") visualize relationships between documents.
The arrangement of nodes and edges is the result of a physics simulation in which each edge adds attraction forces between two nodes.
Thus, the more important a node is, the more central it will be positioned.


How can I interact with the ESTAINIUM Standards Graph?

  • Zoom in and out using the mouse wheel.
  • Look around by holding down the left mouse button in an empty area of the graph and dragging.
  • Highlight individual nodes and their connections by clicking them.
  • Unhighlight nodes by clicking "reset selection" at the top.
  • Hover over nodes to see additional information about the document.
  • Filter nodes or edges by selecting them as network item, selecting a property and entering a value. Try using the Easy_Query property first!)
  • Move individual nodes by holding down left mouse button on them and dragging.


How was the ESTAINIUM Standards Graph created?

Katrin Helm collected the data with the support of Florian Ansgar Jaeger.
Felix Funk developed the visualization based on a previous iteration by Jonathan Fuchs.
Further development is done by Alexander Schneider.
PyVis was used for visualization.


Cross sectoral standard
Product category rule
Product sector rule
Sectoral guidance