Man in blue suit holds tablet with technical background


Working group 1
Technology and Infrastructure


Benefits of joining the working group:


Access to insights, best practice and hands-on knowledge on product-level data sharing technologies.

Access to software to simplify development solutions for product-level sharing owned by the association.

Link to TSX-Connector Software on GitHub

Possibility to influence de-facto industry standards for PCF sharing.

  • Integrate TSX Agent library in PCF management software (or other sustainability software) of members​
  • Disseminate TSX approach in DPP initiatives​


Targets 2025
  • Continue comparison of new technologies for PCF sharing (Q3)​
  • Continue to represent ESTAINIUM interests in the IDunion Technology and Innovation Board​
  • Disseminate TSX approach and evaluate carbon use cases in Manufacturing-X projects (Q4)​
  • Investigate ESTAINIUM as Trust Provider (Q3)​


Current status
  • Donated TSX Agent library to ESTAINIUM and conducted TSX pilot among members​
  • Investigating the impact of eIDAS, EUDI Wallets and organizational identities for the choice of recommended sharing technologies​



  • Donated TSX Agent library to ESTAINIUM​​
  • Represented ESTAINIUM interests in the IDunion Technology and Innovation Board​
    Network ready for commercial use​
  • Conducted comparison of new technologies for PCF sharing​
    - Central identity vs public OrgID​
    - AnonCreds vs SD-JWT​
    - DIDcom vs OID4VC​
    - IDunion SCE network / Indy vs registry hosted by ESTAINIUM​
  • Continued with Pilot phase 2​
    - Finding real sharing use case difficult​
    - PCF management tools extension for TSX slow​
  • Joined public funded Manufacturing-X Projects​
    - As members (e.g., Siemens) and ESTAINIUM​
    - Factory-X, Manufacturing-X​


Further Achievements
  • Defined requirements and technologies for supply chain sharing in a position paper.
  • Selected a method for PCF sharing named Trusted Supply Chain Exchange (TSX) based on Verifiable Credentials and identified existing technologies for implementing TSX (DIDcom, Hyperledger Indy, OpenID Connect, SD-JWT, Eclipse Data Connector).
  • Identified an operating infrastructure for TSX, the IDunion network and subsequently joined the IDunion SCE as a member.
  • Open-sourced extension libraries to Hyperleder Indy SDK (Go language binding) for efficient use of TSX in LCA management applications and received a software donation with further extension libraries to Hyperledger Indy SDK (TSX boiler plate).
  • Conducted an interoperability testing pilot for TSX.